
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Dwi Bahasa: Pakatan Rakyat Perak sebenarnya menang di Perak , tapi ditipu lagi dan lagi...& Tapah aspirant: Cops pushed me out of counting hall

Selasa, 7 Mei 2013
Pakatan Rakyat Perak sebenarnya menang di Perak , tapi ditipu lagi dan lagi...
Menuntut hak keadilan dalam perlembagaan negara terbukti menghampakan bagi calon parlimen Tapah, K Vasantha Kumar sewaktu di Pusat Penjumlahan Undi di Dewan Merdeka, Tapah .

Beliau telah ditolak keluar dari Pusat Penjumlahan Undi ituoleh sepasukan Tindakan Ringan Polis jam 11mlm Ahad.

Vasantha Kumar berkata, lapan anggota polis menolaknya keluar setelah beliau bertanyakan pegawai SPR mengenai keganjilan adanya undi bercampur dalam kotak undid an ketiadaan beberapa kotak peti undi .

Kotak –kotak peti undi yang hilang itu tidak sampai di Pusat Pengiraan waima jam sudah 11 mlm. Dikatakan , undian Pos telah dicampur dengan Undian Parlimen dan Dun dalam kotak undi bercampur.

 “Saya meminta pengiraan semula kerana kertas undi Parlimen dan Dun telah bercampur dalam satu peti undi parlimen.

Tambahan pula terdapat sejumlah kertas undi diletatakan di luar peti undi. “Saya meminta pengiraan semula kerana empat peti undi daripada Chenderiang dan lima peti undi dari Ayer Kuning tidak ada dalam dewan pengiraan di Dewan Merdaka.

Berikutan permintaan tersebut, pegawai SPR telah membawa masuk 2 peti undi dari Ayer Kuning. Tujuh peti undi yang lain masih belum sampai.

“ Di masa yang sama saya telah meminta 91 borang 14 daripada 91 saluran mengundi tetapi pegawai SPR enggan memberikan., Vasantha Kumar memberitahu, “Sesetengah borang 14 tidak ditandatangani sempurna oleh pegawai SPR.

“Pada ketika inilah, muncul calon BN, M Saravanan, lalu meninggikan suaranya dan mengugut saya.” “Saya memberitahunya jangan masuk campur kerana pertelingkahan adalah antara beliau dan SPR.
Pertelingkahan adalah mengenai kertas undi dari Dun Chenderiang dan Dun Ayer Kuning. “Pada ketika itu, keputusan untuk Perak ialah 29 untuk BN and 28 bagi Pakatan.

Saya bertegas mahukan pengiraan semula kerana keputusan dari dua Dun tersebut ( Chenderiang dan Ayer Kuning) merupakan faktor penentu dalam pembentukan kerajaan negeri Perak.

“Apabila saya desak agar dokumen tersebut dikeluarkan sebelum keputusan diisytiharkan, pegawai SPR telah mengarahkan polis supaya menolak polling agents dan saya, keluar dari dewan tersebut.

Pada ketika ini, Vasantha Kumar berkata, “Saravanan membaling kerusi kepada saya semasa saya sedang ditolak keluar.”

“Saya terkedu bila polis menolak saya 50 meter keluar dari Pusat Pengiraan tersebut, sedangkan Saravanan dan pembantunya cuba menyerang saya. Bagaimana pun polis menahan mereka.”

Vasantha Kumar mendakwa dirinya dan counting agents nya telah ditolak keluar oleh polis hingga ke main road di luar dewan tersebut.

Tiada wakil untuk memantau peti-peti undi 

“ Polis kemudiannya mengepung dewan itu dan tidak membenarkan saya masuk. Pada ketika itu, saya tidak mempunyai wakil didalam dewan itu untuk mempastikan peti-peti undi itu tidak di cerobohi.”

Beliau mendakwa pada ketika itu, Saravanan dan dua calon BN bagi dua kerusi Dun (Chenderiang dan Ayer Kuning) telah dibenarkan berada dalam dewan tersebut sewaktu keputusan sedang di buat.

Vasantha Kumar berkata, pegawai-pegawai SPR telah mengarahkan polis supaya menahannya diluar dewan hampir satu jam lamanya.

“Selepas satu jam, saya sebagai calon Tapah, saya berhak untuk masuk ke dewan.”

Setelah memasuki dewan tersebut, Vasantha Kumar berjalan keaarah pegawai SPR dan meminta 91 pengesahan borang 14 dari kesemua 91 saluran peti undi. “Pegawai tersebut gagal menunaikan permintaan tersebut.
Dia memberitahu saya supaya mengambil tindakan mahkamah jika ada pertelingkahan. “ Saya tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan yang akan mereka isytiharkan kerana boring 14 tidak disertakan dan tidak ada pengiraan semula undi pos dan undian biasa yang sahih.

Tidak lama kemudian, lebih kurang jam 1.00 pagi, keputusan diumumkan – bahawa calon BN, Saravanan dan dua kerusi Dun tersebut telah menang.

Kemenangan dua kerusi Dun tersebut menjadikan BN berjaya merebut Negeri Perak melalui 31 kerusi ke atas Pakatan Rakyat dengan 28 kerusi.

Vasantha Kumar membuat aduan polis dib alai polis Tapah pada jam 1.30pagi kelmarin. SUMBER
Catatan Oleh alhusseyn pada 9:00 pm

Tapah aspirant: Cops pushed me out of counting hall

M Krishnamoorthy
Exercising his constitutional right to justice at the Tapah vote counting centre proved to be disastrous for PKR parliamentary candidate K Vasantha Kumar.

He was pushed out of the Tapah constituency counting centre, the Dewan Merdeka in the town, by members of the police Light Strike Force at 11pm on Sunday.

Vasantha Kumar said eight policemen pushed him out after he queried Election Commission (EC) officers on what he calimed were irregularities as there were mixed votes in ballot boxes and missing ballot boxes. The missing boxes had not arrived at the counting centre as at 11pm.

The postal votes had allegedly been combined with the parliamentary and state constituency ballot papers in the mixed ballot boxes.

“I requested a recount because the parliamentary and state ballot papers were mixed up in one parliament ballot box. Further, there were ballot papers placed outside the box.

“I made the request also because four boxes from Chenderiang and five boxes from Ayer Kuning were not in the counting hall at the Dewan Merdaka. Following the request, EC officers brought in two boxes from Ayer Kuning. The other seven boxes had still not arrived.

“At the same time, I requested the 91 Form 14s from the 91 polling centres and an EC officer refused, Vasantha Kumar told Malaysiakini

“Some of the Form 14s were not properly signed and endorsed by the EC officers.

“It was at this point that BN’s candidate, M Saravanan, came into the centre and raised his voice and ‘threatened’ me.

“I told him to not interfere as this was a dispute between me and the EC. The dispute was over the ballot papers from the state seats of Chenderiang and Ayer Kuning.

“At that point the results for the Perak state seats were 29 for BN and 28 for Pakatan. I insisted on the recount because the results from these two seats would be the deciding factor in the formation of the next Perak government.

“When I insisted that these documents be produced before the announcement of the results, the returning officer instructed the olice to push my polling agents and me out of the hall.”
At this juncture, Vasantha Kumar said, “Saravanan threw a chair at me while I was being pushed out.”

“I was shocked when the police manhandled me, pushing me 50m out of the centre, while Saravanan and his assistant tried to attack me. However, the police stopped them.”

Vasantha Kumar claimed that he and his counting agents were pushed out by the police all the way to the main road outside the hall. 
‘No representative to monitor ballot boxes’

“The policemen then barricaded the counting hall and did not allow me to go in. At that time I had no representative inside in the hall to esnure that the ballot boxes were not tampered with.”

He alleged that during this time, Saravanan and the two BN candidates for the two state seats (Chenderiang and Ayer Kuning) were allowed to be inside the hall as the results were being finalised.

Vasantha Kumar said the EC officers directed the policemen to keep him outside the hall for about an hour. 

“After an hour I demanded that as the official candidate for Tapah, I should be allowed into the hall.”

Upon his re-entry into the hall, Vasantha Kumar walked straight to the returning officer and requested the verification of the 91 Form 14s from all the 91 polling centres and a recount of the ballot papers.

“The returning officer declined my request. He told me to take any dispute on the matter to the courts.

“I disagreed with the results they were about to announce as the Form 14s were not furnished and there was no proper recount of the postal votes and ballot papers. Shortly afterward, about 1am, the results were announced - that BN’s Saravanan and its two state assembly candidates had won.”
These two state assembly results clinched BN’s victory in the Perak state assembly, with 31 seats over Pakatan’s 28.

Vasantha Kumar lodged a report at the Tapah police station at 1.30am yesterday.

He said that he was willing to appear before any tribunal and provide his evidence, with video recordings and pictures of the high-handed actions on the part of the authorities.

When contacted and asked about the presence of police in the counting hall, returning officer Razali Bakar said he could not make any statement without referring to the higher authorities.

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