
Wednesday 1 May 2013

*Video Updated KUNCI PUTRAJAYA Sudah Di Tangan HUSAM: Anwar Ibrahim dan Husam dalam majlis Hari Pekerja di Putrajaya...

Rabu, 1 Mei 2013

Anwar mahu Husam 'buka pintu Putrajaya'
PUTRAJAYA - Dengan semangat yang berkobar-kobar dan dilihat agak luar biasa, Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyeru warga Putrajaya melakar sejarah membenamkan kerajaan Umno-Barisan Nasional pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13), Ahad ini.
"Ini masanya untuk kita beri pengajaran kepada mereka.
"Rakyat yang akan beri mereka pelajaran, apa itu bankrap," katanya dalam perutusan khas hari pekerja, menjawab dakwaan dasar Pakatan Rakyat (PR) hanya akan memufliskan negara.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim giving the thumbs up for Datuk Husam Musa, the PAS candidate for Putrajaya, at the Labour Day event in Putrajaya May 1, 2013. – Picture by Choo Choy May
Ucapan Anwar bukan hanya menerima tepukan, laungan kata semangat penghuni Putrajaya diikuti sorakan gemuruh ribuan hadirin yang datang ke program ini.
PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim delivering his Labour Day’s address in Putrajaya May 1, 2013. – Picture by Choo Choy May
"Tipulah macam mana pun, tapi kalau rakyat bangkit macam ini...," diikuti sekali lagi laungan "ubah" dari warga Putrajaya.
"Beri sokongan kepada calon kita, (Datuk) Husam Musa di Putrajaya," ungkap beliau lagi.
Dengan tempoh kempen yang masih berbaki empat hari sahaja lagi, Anwar dilihat menyuntik sepenuhnya iltizam kepada warga Putrajaya untuk membawa perubahan.
"Macam mana pun saya kena datang ke Putrajaya kerana kunci Putrajaya ada pada Husam," ujar Anwar lagi.
Anwar menekankan, jika peralihan kuasa berlaku, kerajaan PR akan memastikan nasib golongan penjawat awam khususnya akan terus terbela.
"50 tahun BN memerintah tidak nampak perubahan yang setimpal.
"Pendapatan mereka yang rendah itu terus mendatar. Tidak setimpal dengan pengorbanan dan kerja kuat," tambah beliau.
Malah dakwanya, di bawah pemerintah sekarang, kuasa penjawat awam juga turut terbatas.
"Masalah sekarang kuasa mereka direndahkan martabat. Ini harus diperbetulkan. Perkhidmatan mereka harus dihargai.
"Pertimbangan mereka selalu memihak kepada yang kaya sahaja," katanya.
Sementara itu, dalam Deklarasi Putrajaya untuk seluruh penjawat awam seluruh negara sempena Hari Pekerja, PR akan memperkenalkan bayaran gaji berasaskan bilangan minggu diikuti tambahan satu bulan pendapatan.
"Ia akan membolehkan penjawat awam menikmati tambahan sebulan gaji setahun atau 52 minggu setahun berbanding sistem sekarang hanya 48 minggu," deklarasi itu menyebut.
Selain itu, deklarasi turut mengandungi pinjaman perumahan tanpa faedah, pendidikan mesra penjawat awam, pencen pilihan, pertukaran dan penempatan penjawat awam berteraskan mesra keluarga dan elaun Cola tidak dipotong (RM150) bagi penjawat awam yang menduduki kuarters kerajaan di Putrajaya. - SH
Kakitangan kerajaan yang selama ini ditipu oleh kerajaan Umno-BN akan pastikan PR menang dalam PRU13 nanti.
The crowd outside listening to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s speech at his Labour Day’s address in Putrajaya May 1, 2013. – Picture by Choo Choy May

Pakatan makes May Day pledge of extra pay for civil servants...
PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim delivering his Labour Day’s address in Putrajaya May 1, 2013. – Picture by Choo Choy May
The Pakatan Rakyat (PR) promised to change civil servants’ pay scheme to weekly from monthly when it takes power, potentially giving civil servants an extra four weeks’ pay annually, in a move to get votes from the 1.4 million-strong civil service.

De facto PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim delivered his Labour Day’s address here, to greet thousands of supporters at the same ground in Precinct 3 where PAS’ spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was given a historic welcome last week.

“Our approach is to give benefits and rewards to defend the fates of workers, equivalent to their sacrifices and work load. This is the principles that is not understood by our friends on the other side,” Anwar said to the crowd here who welcomed him with standing ovations and “Reformasi” chants earlier.

 PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim delivering his Labour Day’s address in Putrajaya May 1, 2013. – Picture by Choo Choy MayPR’s pledges for civil servants, called “Declaration of Putrajaya 2013”, were delivered to Anwar by its author PAS’ Datuk Husam Musa, who is making a bid for the federal administrative capital in the May 5 polls.

Civil servants are also slated to get interest-free home loans for first-time home buyers, and earlier pension age – 45 for women and 50 for men – should PR win Election 2013.

PR also pledged to reduce the promotion period from 15 to 10 years. Workers union will also be allowed, and any political interference in the civil service will be stopped.

Earlier on, Anwar praised the civil service for contributing towards his good record while in the Ministry of Education and the Treasury, but lamented that the workers have been demoted due to political interference and use of foreign consultants.

He also criticised the Public Service Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) which was introduced on January last year. It was scrapped just after two months, after being criticised for only benefiting top government servants while leaving the majority of the civil service with paltry salary hikes.

 “This shows the attitude of Umno-BN leaders, they have always sided with the rich people above,” said Anwar.

It was revealed last year that under the SBPA, the Chief Secretary would draw a salary of RM60,000 while those in the “Premier Service” category were to rake in RM36,000, a vast difference from those in the lower pay grades, some of whom were only given increments as low as RM1.70.

Pakatan supporters cheer at Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Labour Day event in Putrajaya May 1, 2013. – Picture by Choo Choy May

The then prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced that the existing Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM) would be maintained with improvements, where salaries of the Chief Secretary to the Government and top-tier civil servants in the “Premier Service I” (Turus I) category would only be adjusted by seven per cent.

Civil servants in the management and professional groups and Grades 1 to 54, in turn, would see their salaries hiked by 13 per cent across the board.

“I assure you, a PR government will restore people’s trust towards the civil service’s professionalism and we will reform the service to increase their dignities as competent civil servants,” Anwar said to cheers from the crowd.

Malaysia’s bureaucracy is powered by some 1.4 million workers. Some 80,000 people live in Putrajaya, with 15,798 of them registered to vote.-malaysian insider
pesan Pak Samad...
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