
Saturday 11 January 2014

Holy Water tak akan tukar Muslim jadi Kristian...(sekali minum, 'habis')

Ahad, 12 Januari 2014

Photo: ( Habis tu nak salahkan siapa yang start naikkan minyak? TErimalah kesan rantaiannya. Ini belum lagi masuk harga baru berdasarkan kenaikan elektrik. Ini belum lagi masuk harga baru tahun depan bila GST dilaksana. Siapa yang buat polisi semua itu kalau bukan kerajaan. Lagi banyak Najib bercakap, lagi bertambah angin rakyat dengar. Baik diam dan undur!)

PM: Don't blame gov't for price hikes


Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has urged the people not to blame the government for the hikes in prices of goods and services, claiming that it is beyond the state's control.

Instead, he was reported by the New Straits Times today as inviting the rakyat to consider what the government has done prior to the spate of price increases, before laying blame.

“Whenever there are price hikes, people will start pointing fingers at the government. We must be rational and assess the government based on its track record.

“The increase in the prices of goods is determined by external factors, not the government's doing,” he is quoted as saying after chairing the National Green Technology and Climate Change Council in Putrajaya yesterday.

Najib said the government between 2008 and 2013 paid RM1.1 billion in compensation to highway concessionaires to delay toll charge hikes.

It will have to pay an additional RM404 million in compensation this year if the scheduled hike is delayed again.

However, the government will only decide on this after it studies the matter.

The Works Ministry said last year highway tolls will go up by between 50sen and RM2 on Jan 1, but this was suspended following an outcry from consumers who are already facing numerous other price hikes for goods and services.

Pakatan Rakyat has also called on the government to use its clout to renegotiate the concession agreements that compel compensation in lieu of toll hikes, since many of the highway concessionaires are government-linked companies.

The opposition coalition also argued that the government has provided grants and land at discounted prices to concessionaires to build the highways, and it can use these facts to renegotiate the agreements.

Holy Water tak akan tukar Muslim jadi Kristian

Tanggapan bahawa seorang Muslim akan menjadi Kristian jika terkena 'holy water' (air suci penganut Kristian) atau menjejakkan kaki ke dalam gereja adalah karut, kata Ahli Parlimen Parit Buntar, Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa.

"Tidak wujud langsung pergi ke gereja tiba-tiba jadi Kristian. Ini adalah karut.

"Ada yang kata kalau orang Kristian bagi 'holy water' - sekali minum, 'habis'.

"Kita mungkin ketawa, tetapi cuba fikir kembali berapa ramai di luar sana mempercayainya?" katanya dalam satu forum di ibu negara semalam.

Beliau bercakap kepada kira-kira 150 orang yang terdiri daripada penganut pelbagai agama di forum "Polemik 'Allah' dan rampasan Bible: Antara undang-undang dan sensitiviti agama, anjuran Dewan Pemuda PAS Lembah Pantai.

Mujahid yang merupakan ketua biro perpaduan nasional PAS berkata kerisauan yang sama turut wujud di kalangan orang Islam terhadap penggunaan kalimah 'Allah' oleh penganut Kristian.


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