
Monday 17 October 2016

[Video] 'Baju Merah UMNO' ditangkap oleh pihak polis.

Isnin, 17 Oktober 2016

Bergambar di Kundasang, Sabah.
[BM] Baju Merah UMNO ditangkap oleh pihak polis.
Kejadian berlaku di Giant, Kuala Selangor. Peserta Konvoi Bersih sedang membuat edaran risalah secara aman.
Tetapi kumpulan baju merah UMNO ini datang membuat provokasi. Seorang peserta Bersih telah dikasari sehingga baju terkoyak. Polis telah bertindak tegas dan mereka yang bertindak agresif.
Terima kasih kepada pihak polis atas bantuan mereka! Para peserta dalam keadaan selamat dan tiada kecederaan berlaku.
Bersih menolak sekeras-kerasnya tindakan melampau ini oleh baju merah UMNO. Kami akan bekerjasama dengan pihak polis dan mengambil tindakan susulan terhadap mereka.
UPDATE 1: Terdapat wartawan daripada The Star dan Malaysiakini yang turut dikasari, hanya kerana menjalankan tugas mereka. Lihat video di:
UPDATE 2: Tiga orang wartawan diserang. Seorang hampir ditumbuk dan seorang wartawan wanita dikasari secara fizikal. Baju Merah UMNO mengugut wartawan untuk delete gambar-gambar.
UPDATE 3: BERSIH sedang bersama mereka di balai polis Kuala Selangor untuk membuat laporan polis.
The incident took place in Giant, Kuala Selangor. Participants of the Bersih Konvoi was handing out flyers peacefully.
But the UMNO Red Shirts came to provoke. One of the Bersih participant was roughed up and his shirt was torn. The Police took swift action by arresting them.
Terima kasih to the police for their assistance! The Bersih participants are safe and nobody is injured.
Bersih condems this overboard action by the UMNO red shirt. We will give full cooperation with the police to enable follow up action against them.
UPDATE 1: Reporters from The Star dan Malaysiakini were also roughed up, just for carrying out their duties. Video at:
UPDATE 2: Three reporters were attacked. One mised a punch and a woman reporter was harassed physically. The UMNO red shirt were threatening them to delete their photos.
UPDATE 3: BERSIH is with them at the Kuala Kangsar police station now to lodge a police report.

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