Najib habiskan RM20 Juta untuk Panda.. dan Panda itu disewakan atau dipinjamkan?
Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu.. kos yang akan dibelanjakan untuk dua ekor panda yang menurut Najib dipinjamkan oleh China kepada Malaysia adalah RM20 Juta..
Dua hari lalu Najib telah mengalu-alukan orang ramai menamakan dua ekor panda yang dipinjam Malaysia daripada negara China ..
Dalam laman Facebook berbahasa Cinanya, Najib yang menggelar dirinya "Ah Jib Gor" berkata kedua-dua ekor binatang itu mewakili hubungan baik dengan republik itu.
Tulis Najib."Spesis panda sudah hampir pupus, namun China bersetuju meminjamkannya kepada kita. Ini membuktikan China percayakan kita.
China percaya kepada kita konon… tengok gambar dibawah, imej atau gambar ini menunjukkan negara-negara yang yang meminjam ‘Giant Panda’ dari negara China..
Dan menariknya kebanyakkan negara yang mendakwa meminjam itu sebenarnya menyewa ‘Giant Panda’ itu dari China's Wulong Panda Research Institute.
Antaranya ialah Thailand..
The Thai government pays $250,000 a year to China's Wulong Panda Research Institute to rent the pandas, who, depending on the weather, reside in either a $1 million air-conditioned cage or an extensive, fan-cooled outdoor enclosure ringed by a mini-replica of China's Great Wall – USATodayUnited States of America menyewa ‘Giant Panda’ pada kadar USD1 Juta setahun..
In 1972, two pandas were presented to the United States after President Nixon's historic visit; in 1974, another two were given to Britain in the wake of Edward Heath's friendly visit. In 2005, as part of the talks with Lien Chan, China gifted two pandas to Taiwan.Manakala Kanada pula sewa dengan kos $10 Juta
In today's market economy, however, there are no more freebies. China usually offers 10-year loans with prices close to $1m as the yearly rental. The flocking of would-be panda-huggers will bring fat profits to the zoo and to China – Guardian
Prime Minister Stephen Harper officially confirmed Saturday that China has agreed to loan two giant pandas to zoos in Toronto and Calgary for a period of five years each – beginning next year – at a cost of $10 million.Jepun.. yang mula-mula mengalu-alukan orang ramai menamakan Panda yang disewanya dari negara China.. dua hari lepas langkah ini ditiru Najib.. membayar $950,000 satu tahun..
Millions of dollars more will be spent to prepare the zoos and to care for the animals, including about $200,000 or so a year in bamboo costs to feed the bears and additional fees to train Canadian panda handlers with help from the Chinese – Ottawa Citizen
The metropolitan government will ask the public to nickname the two pandas, a 143-kg male and 124-kg female, officials said. The animals will be moved here in February before their public showing begins the following month. Under the lease deal, Tokyo will contribute $950,000 a year to wildlife preservation in China –Japantimes
Jika negara-negara tersebut di atas membayar sewa untuk Panda dari negara China, apa istimewanya Malaysia untuk diberikan pinjam secara percuma oleh negara China?
Berbalik kepada Kerajaan UMNO/BN membelanjakan sebanyak RM20 Juta untuk memelihara binatang ini..
April lalu beberapa akhbar berbahasa Cina melaporkan Kerajaan Malaysia akan membelanjakan sekitar RM20 Juta untuk memelihara dua ekor Panda ini..
Kos ini adalah termasuk kerja-kerja untuk menyediakan prasarana yang menyerupai habitat asal Panda itu dimana sebuah bangunan yang berhawa dingin akan dibangunkan khusus untuknya.
Dan buluh yang menjadi makanan bagi Panda tersebut akan diimport dari China disamping latihan untuk rakyat tempatan yang akan menjaga Panda itu..
The Star On line |
Langkah Najib itu disifatkan sebagai ‘Kera dihutan disusukan, anak sendiri mati kelaparan’ oleh Sahabat Alam Malaysia.
Sebabnya di negara kita sendiri ada beberapa spesis haiwan yang hampir pupus tapi tidak dipedulikan oleh Kerajaan.. antaranya ialah Badak Sumatera, Harimau Mlaya, Tapir, Tenggiling dan juga Gajah.
Berikut adalah kenyataan Media dari Sahabat Alam Malaysia..
From S M Mohd Idris, via e-mail
Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) strongly objects to the government’s decision to bring in the giant pandas into Malaysia on a 10-year loan. News of loan came as a shock, as in 2009 and subsequently in 2011 SAM had opposed the move to bring in the pandas.
SAM is highly critical of the move which is seen as more of a primarily commercial deal and it is definitely not a credible way to go about saving the giant panda.
The use of the word “con” in conservation research is merely to hoodwink the public into believing that the salvation of pandas lies in warehousing these sensitive animals.
A panda has a poor reproductive performance in captivity. As the agent of diplomacy, giant pandas are forced to adapt to various climate, food and natural environment while they could have enjoyed their normal life in Sichuan province, China
It would be interesting to know how many pandas sent overseas as gifts and on loans have successfully bred, how many off springs survived and the number that have died of natural causes.
Over time, the panda presence will have less to do with conservation or education, and much more to do with bringing in more tourist dollars.
If Malaysia is strongly committed towards China’s effort in increasing the endangered giant panda then it should be asking the public to donate to schemes that protect pandas in their native habitats, not bring them here.
The public may not be aware that the ‘rent a panda deal’ and short term loans of giant pandas to Malaysia usually entails large investments for both governments where Chinese government may receive up to a million dollars per panda.
Besides panda cubs born during the period of a lease are believed to belong to China.
Then again, a huge question mark arises over the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry’s ability to meet acceptable standards for the pandas’ health and welfare following years of “problems” in all zoos in Malaysia.
The question that begs to be answered is whether NRE has world-class expertise including our keepers and our vets to oversee the pandas’ welfare. When it comes to pandas, it is not about the size of space but rather the quality of climbing structures and water features.
The introduction of pandas into Malaysia is not only a backward step in terms of conservation and ethics but the cost that comes with them means that the Ministry is putting extra pressure on their finances when they should be focusing on ensuring existing zoos meet the most basic standards for the captive animals already here.
There is much wastage of taxpayers’ money to spend RM20 million for the upkeep of the pandas when money should be put to better use on equipment, human resources and the establishment of anti poaching unit in all the states protected areas to combat poaching.
SAM concludes that the desire to foster good international relations jeopardises the pandas’ welfare. No matter how high the quality of their new enclosures, no matter how excellent the viewing and monitoring facilities, the pandas inside will still be denied the ability to roam free, to forage and feed as they like, to avoid or associate with companions, and to follow their instincts in selecting a mate.
President of Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM)
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