Thursday 13 March 2014

MH370: Media Antarabangsa Lapor Pengguna Media Sosial Gelar Najib "Tak Ada Otak" (“brainless”) Memalukan!

Khamis, 13 Mac 2014
Posted By Greenboc 

China's defence ministry will redeploy 10 satellites to join the hunt for the Malaysia Airlines jet that disappeared on Saturday with 239 people on board after three days of fruitless searching.

As the Malaysian authorities announced they were doubling the size of the search area, Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department said it had received a report from the crew of a Cathay Pacific plane flying from Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur at about 3pm that debris was spotted near Vung Tau, off southeast Vietnam.

The department said it had notified its counterparts in Vietnam, Malaysia and Hainan .

[Payment is not] compensation but a special condolence payment MALAYSIA AIRLINES
But the location of the debris does not match the path expected to have been taken by Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which should have flown over Ho Chi Minh City. The location supplied to the Civil Aviation Department was more than 125 kilometres southeast of the original flight path.

The satellite control centre in Xian will relieve the satellites of other tasks to step up weather monitoring, communication and search operations in the area where the plane disappeared, the ministry said.

Beijing said it would expand the search and called for Malaysia to strengthen its efforts. This followed several false leads from the sighting of debris and oil slicks thought to have come from the plane, which vanished en route to Beijing.

Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, head of Malaysia's Civil Aviation Authority, said the size of the search area would be doubled to 100 nautical miles around the spot where the jet disappeared.

Three Chinese civilian ships and the frigate Mianyang arrived yesterday and three more ships are on the way to the area where the plane lost contact.
Berita Luar Negara Laporkan Isu Bomoh Malaysia Kesan #MH370 - Rakyat Semakin Malu..

Tahu apa yang dia sebut? Aku diberitahu ;
1. USA laporkan isu bomoh Malaysia
2. Malaysia semakin terdesak untuk menjejaki #MH370
3. Sehingga terpaksa memanggil / menggunakan bomoh

Ini tak boleh jadi beb.

Kita mesti marah Jamil Khir habis-habisan. Disebabkan dia lambat bertindak tak pasal2 satu dunia gelakkan dan anggap kita bodoh beb. Malu oii.. orang luar guna satelit, guna pesawat, hantar teknologi canggih2 kita pula sibuk p guna bomoh? Nampak sangat bangangnya disitu. Satu je cara yang mampu redakan kemarahan kita dan mampu memperbaiki imej kita dimata dunia. Kita perlu desak Jamil Khir letak jawatan. At least dunia akan melaporkan Jamil Khir letak jawatan atas insiden bomoh. So dari situ masyarakat luar akan predict rakyat Malaysia sendiri annoyed and disgusted dengan insiden tersebut tue pasal menteri kena letak jawatan. AYuh, pertahankan maruah kita. Desak menteri agama tak guna tue BERAMBOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!

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Photo: Anak anak rantau luar negara sekarang ni. Kalau ditanya kamu dari mana..  agak agak nak jawab tak dari Malaysia? 

Malu doll..  cer ko baca news .. semua ketawakan pemerintahan BN kendalikan skandal MH370 nih..

Anak anak rantau luar negara sekarang ni. Kalau ditanya kamu dari mana.. agak agak nak jawab tak dari Malaysia?

Malu doll.. cer ko baca news .. semua ketawakan pemerintahan BN kendalikan skandal MH370 nih..



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