Wednesday 26 March 2014

[Video] MH370: Dimanakah semua penumpang dan krew disimpan? LETUPAN KUAT DI NEW MEXICO MUNGKIN PELUPUSAN KARGO MH370

Khamis, 27 Mac 2014


Foto Letupan Nuklear 

GRU sebelum ini melaporkan "kebingungan" mereka tentang mengapa Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat merampas dan mengalihkan MH370 ke Diego Garcia, Satu berita yang disahkan oleh trek radar menunjukkan pesawat tentera AS bergerak meengiringi pesawat MH370 Sejurus sebelum MH370 hilang dari radar.  (Lihat video di bawah)

Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces(GRU) melaporkan hari ini Bahawa kargo yang dififatkan "sangat mencurigakan" diambil oleh Amerika Syarikat dari MH370 dan dibawa ke Diego Garcia telah diterbangkan pada minggu lalu ke White Sands Missile Range di New Mexico di mana ia kemudian dimusnahkan
This new GRU report says, this “highly suspicious” cargo was flown from Diego Garcia to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was destroyed in a 19 March explosion so massive it stunned the residents of this region due to the massive plume of smoke Russian munitions experts speculate was caused by US military-grade Thermate (a variation of thermite) devices
Weather experts baffled by mystery plume on New Mexico radar near 1945 nuclear bomb test site
  • There is speculation that the cloud could be the result of a weapons test
  • But the U.S. has not done A-bomb tests since the Test Ban Treaty in 1992
  • Plume originated from White Sands Missile Range in Socorro county

A mystery ‘storm cloud’ caught on weather radar after erupting off a U.S. military missile testing ground in New Mexico has left weather experts baffled.

Deepening the mystery, U.S. National Weather Service offices in Albuquerque and El Paso have confirmed the reading, but say they have no idea where it could have come from. - greatgameindia

Jika benar itu adalah kesan pelupusan kargo MH370 tidak mengapa tetapi di manakan semua penumpang dan krew MH370 disimpan? Adakah mereka masih hidup atau ................... (tak sampai hati nak tulis)


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