Tarikh: 22 Februari 2014
Masa: Jam 1pm - 430pm
Tempat: Masjid Bandar Baru Bangi
- Solat Zohor
- Solat Hajat Perdana
- Pembentangan #MansuhPBS
- Solat Asar
- Bersurai secara Aman
**Hadir atas demi masa depan pendidikan anak-anak kita.
Pemberitahuan Larangan:
1. Dilarang membawa bendera/sepanduk/risalah politik.
2. Dilarang berpakaian kepartian.
**Pihak penganjur tidak bertanggungjawab dgn individu yang membuat provokasi. Harap maklum.

Sudah Terbukti ~ Bila ditanya tentang PMR, beliau tak menjawab dengan jelas dan Admin tahu memang beliau tak faham pun tentang penambahbaikkan itu.
Terbaik! Janji DS Idris Jusoh mahu SGMM jadi pengantara KPM dan Guru Malaysia, Nah!!! Tahniah!!!
Kami Mahu SPPBS Dimansuhkan shared a link.
Kepincangan Menteri ~ Sesiapa yang selesa baca dalam bahasa inggeris, bacalah.
Janji DS Idris Jusoh mahu SGMM jadi pengantara KPM dan Guru Malaysia, Nah!!! Tahniah!!!
Memang SGMM sampaikan kepincangan PBS, KPM dan termasuk Menteri!
Mansuh tetap #MansuhPBS
Portal The Star:
Janji DS Idris Jusoh mahu SGMM jadi pengantara KPM dan Guru Malaysia, Nah!!! Tahniah!!!
Memang SGMM sampaikan kepincangan PBS, KPM dan termasuk Menteri!
Mansuh tetap #MansuhPBS
Portal The Star:
NUTP menuduh SGMM sebagai pertubuhan haram yang didalangi oleh campur tangan politik!
Kami Mahu SPPBS Dimansuhkan shared a link.
TUDUH SGMM ~ Admin mohon maaf kepada semua ahli NUTP dalam page ini dan page SGMM.
NUTP menuduh SGMM sebagai pertubuhan haram yang didalangi oleh campur tangan politik!
Respon Admin:
Terima kasih NUTP kerana anda hebat ada 200,000 ahli merangkumi seluruh Malaysia.
SGMM tak perlu sokongan NUTP tetapi Admin dah menyeru semua NGO bergabung tanpa kompromi.
Mansuh tetap #MansuhPBS
Portal FZ.com Online:
NUTP menuduh SGMM sebagai pertubuhan haram yang didalangi oleh campur tangan politik!
Respon Admin:
Terima kasih NUTP kerana anda hebat ada 200,000 ahli merangkumi seluruh Malaysia.
SGMM tak perlu sokongan NUTP tetapi Admin dah menyeru semua NGO bergabung tanpa kompromi.
Mansuh tetap #MansuhPBS
Portal FZ.com Online:
NUTP turns its back on protesting teachers
PETALING JAYA (Feb 21): The National Union of Teaching Profession (NUTP) has practically disowned Voices of the Malaysian Teachers Community (Suara Guru Masyarakat Malaysia – SGMM) over their protest over the School Based Assessment (Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah – PBS) system scheduled for tomorrow.
Union secretary-general Lok Yim Peng told fz.com that NUTP does not recognise SGMM, the newly formed NGO that is protesting against the implementation of the much maligned PBS.
“They are not a registered body. They are nothing. Who are they? Why is the press recognising them? They are not an organised body; they are a loose body and the Ministry isn’t even bothered with them.
“I won’t respond to their protest because to us, if they really want to fight, they should do it the proper way. As far as we are concerned, we are negotiating with the government and we know what’s going on,” a vitriolic Lok said when contacted.
She further condemned the group, saying that they have a “political agenda” and the true representation of the teachers lie with the 200,000-member strong NUTP.
“We represent 200,000 teachers here. We have the majority in the Peninsula. I think they’re all (there) with a political agenda. That’s why we’re not going for this. Our purpose is the workers and the teachers,” said Lok.
SGMM: We don’t need NUTP
IN RESPONSE SGMM chief Mohd Nor Izzat Mohd Johari said he was baffled that Lok would make a political connection to SGMM’s struggle.
“SGMM would like to ask Lok Yim Peng to clarify, what sort of political benefits SGMM will gain from this. We would also like to ask her not to accuse us of political agenda when you can’t resolve an issue by yourself.
“SGMM would also like to thank Lok Yim Peng for helping the teachers by accusing us of having a political agenda when this issue is getting worse,” said Mohd Nor Izzat.
Regarding the lack of support from NUTP, Mohd Nor Izzat pointed out that SGMM had never asked for NUTP’s support in the first place.
“We at SGMM don’t need any support from NUTP. All we are asking for is that the teacher-related NGOs unite with us and help us in this. Even though we are a small NGO and we only started talking about this issue since Oct 30, we have made some impact.
“Since we have started working we can see some response from the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin,” said Mohd Nor Izzat.
Time to turn the PAGE on PBS
HOWEVER SGMM is not alone. Parents Action Group for Education Malaysia (Page) wished the teachers luck in exercising their right to protest in Bandar Baru Bangi tomorrow.
Page chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim pointed out that PBS is a good aim but has “proven to be deficient in totality to replace the examination based system”.
Page recommended that until a thorough comprehensive plan for PBS is properly laid out, modelled to an already working system elsewhere in the world and piloted to scale, PBS should be put on hold until all the kinks are ironed out.
“The PBS system is a total system overhaul compared to all the other numerous changes that we have had so far. Yet, it is done rather hurriedly and without proper supervision. There are too many uncertainties with PBS.
“Parents are sceptical of such a system due to unanswered questions such as, how is PBS going to maintain a consistent marking system across the board? What acceptable measures are taken to guard against biasness? What is the benchmark needed for admittance into residential schools or other non-national schools?
“No teachers or the examination syndicate members have managed to answer these questions convincingly,” read the statement.
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