Diplomat Malaysia dituduh cuba merogol di New Zealand
Wisma Putra berkata ia akan membuat penjelasan esok berkaitan seorang diplomat Malaysia yang dituduh oleh pihak berkuasa New Zealand melakukan serangan dengan niat merogol.
Rakyat New Zealand berang semalam selepas pihak berkuasa mendapati lelaki berkenaan, dalam lingkungan usia 30-an, telah mengekori seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun pulang ke rumah dan menyerangnya.
Akhbar di New Zealand dihalang daripada mendedahkan nama suspek atau negara asalnya selepas seorang hakim New Zealand mengeluarkan perintah melarang butiran dirinya didedahkan.
Bagaimanapun, Malaysiakini difahamkan bahawa lelaki itu adalah seorang diplomat Malaysia yang bekerja di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia yang berpejabat di Wellington.
Menteri Luar, Datuk Anifah Aman ketika diminta mengesahkannya, memberitahu Malaysiakini dalam mesej teks bahawa sidang akhbar mengenainya akan diadakan esok.
Malaysiakini tidak menyiarkan nama lelaki itu sementara menunggu respons rasmi dari Wisma Putra.
Menurut Associated Press, polis menahan diplomat itu pada 9 Mei dan mendakwanya atas tuduhan memecah rumah dan serangan dengan niat untuk merogol, kedua-duanya membawa hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun.
Bagaimanapun, lelaki itu mendapat kekebalan diplomatik dan telah meninggalkan negara itu.
Perdana Menteri New Zealand John Key mendedahkan pagi ini bahawa kerajaannya telah menuntut kekebalan diplomatik lelaki itu diibatalkan, tetapi telah ditolak lapor Malaysiakini
Sementara itu sebuah portal berita dari New Zealand melaporkan..
Faham-fahamlah.. kalau dah kekebalan diplomatiknya itu tetap dikekalkan kemudiannya diminta pulang ke Malaysia... setakat itu sajalah kes ini berjalan...
Rakyat New Zealand berang semalam selepas pihak berkuasa mendapati lelaki berkenaan, dalam lingkungan usia 30-an, telah mengekori seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun pulang ke rumah dan menyerangnya.
Akhbar di New Zealand dihalang daripada mendedahkan nama suspek atau negara asalnya selepas seorang hakim New Zealand mengeluarkan perintah melarang butiran dirinya didedahkan.
Bagaimanapun, Malaysiakini difahamkan bahawa lelaki itu adalah seorang diplomat Malaysia yang bekerja di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia yang berpejabat di Wellington.
Menteri Luar, Datuk Anifah Aman ketika diminta mengesahkannya, memberitahu Malaysiakini dalam mesej teks bahawa sidang akhbar mengenainya akan diadakan esok.
Malaysiakini tidak menyiarkan nama lelaki itu sementara menunggu respons rasmi dari Wisma Putra.
Menurut Associated Press, polis menahan diplomat itu pada 9 Mei dan mendakwanya atas tuduhan memecah rumah dan serangan dengan niat untuk merogol, kedua-duanya membawa hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun.
Bagaimanapun, lelaki itu mendapat kekebalan diplomatik dan telah meninggalkan negara itu.
Perdana Menteri New Zealand John Key mendedahkan pagi ini bahawa kerajaannya telah menuntut kekebalan diplomatik lelaki itu diibatalkan, tetapi telah ditolak lapor Malaysiakini
Sementara itu sebuah portal berita dari New Zealand melaporkan..
PM wants diplomatic immunity waived
Police say a warrant to arrest has been issued for a man who escaped prosecution on a serious charge in Wellington after invoking diplomatic immunity.
Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand formally asked that a diplomat facing sexual assault charges waive diplomatic immunity, but was rebuffed.
The diplomat has fled the country after allegedly committing a sexual assault.
If he returned to New Zealand at any time he could face prosecution for the alleged offences.
"We expect this diplomat to face consequences for his actions," Key told his regular post-Cabinet media conference this afternoon, but added that as a signatory to the Vienna Convention New Zealand had no option but to allow the man to go free.
The Government had tested the suppression order and concluded it would be breached if the country the diplomat was from was named, he said.
"It was the Government's strong preference that this person be held to account in New Zealand, but this was refused by the sending country," Key said.
"As a signatory to the Vienna Convention our hands are effectively tied, but we still expect justice for the victim. We have been assured this individual will be held to account in his own country."
The relevant head of mission would be called into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFAT) so New Zealand's feelings on the issue could be made clear.
This is a lower-level sanction than being called in to face the foreign minister and as the name of the country involved is suppressed, there will be little diplomatic embarrassment.
Key said there were complicating elements in the case that he couldn't discuss.
"There's lots of sort of complications behind the scenes in this that I can't really go into, but if the person was in New Zealand, and if there hadn't been diplomatic immunity, then that person would have been held to account and gone through a process in New Zealand," he said.
He hoped the incident would not harm relations with the sending country.
Asked why the head of mission was only being called in now, more than a month after the alleged incident took place, Key said there had been ongoing contact.
"There's been a series of meetings held at a variety of different levels with MFAT in New Zealand and the representatives of the sending country," he said.
"I'm led to believe, and I strongly accept that advice, that the host country is absolutely aware at a very senior level about New Zealand's expectations and how seriously we're taking the issue."
Asked if the New Zealand Government would be seeking to challenge the suppression order, Key said he had not sought advice on the matter.
Labour's foreign affairs spokesman David Shearer said the public needed to be reassured that the matter would not be "swept under the carpet and forgotten about".
He called for the diplomat's extradition back to New Zealand.
The Vienna Convention for diplomatic immunity ensures diplomats are given safe passage and are not subject to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws.
They can still be expelled, however.
McCully said New Zealand would always seek a waiver to diplomatic immunity in cases where a diplomat was accused of a serious crime ~ Stuff
Faham-fahamlah.. kalau dah kekebalan diplomatiknya itu tetap dikekalkan kemudiannya diminta pulang ke Malaysia... setakat itu sajalah kes ini berjalan...
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