Thursday, 5 September 2013

Paku Dulang, PAKU SERPIH! : Mahathir sahkan Najib boros...& Panas!!! Track Record melayu Umno mengurus negara...

Khamis, 5 Sepr 2013

Mahathir sahkan Najib boros...

Kerajaan perlu mengurangkan perbelanjaannya bagi membantu menurunkan defisit negara.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, dengan penjimatan itu barulah kerajaan mampu menampung pemberian subsidi yang tinggi.

“Seperti yang kita tahu sekarang, negara kini mengalami defisit. Kita pinjam terlalu banyak wang.
“Kalau kita tak pinjam wang, itu lebih baik. Jika boleh, kurangkan perbelanjaan kerajaan (kerana) subsidi kita sangat tinggi,” katanya dalam sidang media Cabaran Lumba Basikal Bukit Antarabangsa Langkawi 2013, di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas dakwaan Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) yang melihat tindakan kerajaan meningkatkan harga petrol RON95 sebanyak 20 sen seliter sebagai satu mungkir janji yang terpaksa dilakukan ekoran perbelanjaan boros dan salah guna kewangan negara semasa PRU13.

Ketika ditanya mengenai cadangan penggunaan semula petrol RON92 untuk memberi pilihan kepada pengguna membeli petrol pada harga lebih murah, beliau enggan mengulas lanjut.

“Itu kena tanya perdana menteri, saya sudah lama bersara jadi saya tidak tahu banyak,” katanya ~ Sinar

pasjati · less than 1 minute ago
nak pening apa hasil didikan hang selama ni...biaqpilah...dlu hang dia plak.....hangpa sama aja,duk dlam satu bakui......
tegur tak boleh,nasihat tak makan...sindir tak faham...dapat rakyat macam ahli umno...macam rice.....semua bengong terima ajalah..
inilah padahnya seperti Islam kata...apabila sesuatu urusan diberikan kepada yang bukan ahlinya,maka tunggu sjalah kehancurannya...
ulamak dan umarak patut saling bekerjasama..nak harap ulamak dlm umno or krjaan nak tegur...hem...mampuis tak berlakunya...semua cari makan...akhirnya...biarkan siluncai terjun dengan labu-labunya...biarkan...biarkan...
Posted by Anak Sungai Derhaka at Thursday, September 05, 2013

Panas! Terbakor...
Track record melayu umno mengurus negara!
ULANGAN: Ini track record melayu umno mengurus: ADA LG NK TAMBAH??: PETIKAN YG TERKUMPUL SETAKAT INI! 
Setiap pembaziran, penyelewengan, penipuan, perompakan, penyamunan yang di buat BN terhadap RAKYAT. 
All the rakyat’s hard earned money down the drain and they have the audacity to raise fuel prices and asking the people to change their lifestyles 
1. PKFZ RM12 billion 
2. Submarine Commission RM500 million 
3. Sime Darby RM964 million 
4. Paya Indah Westland RM88 million 
5. Pos Malaysia (Transmile) RM230 million lost 
6. Eurocopter deal RM1 billion wasted 
7. Terengganu Stadium collapse RM292 million 
8. MRR2 repair cost RM70 million 
9. Maybank overpaid BII RM4 billion 
10. Tourism - NYY kickback RM10 million 
11. 3 paintings bought by MAS RM1.5 million 
12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry RM8.4 million 
13. London’s white elephant sports complex RM70 million 
14. MATRADE repairs RM120 million 
15. Cost of new plane used by PM RM200 million 
16. InventQ irrecoverable debt RM228 million 
17. Compensation for killing crooked bridge RM257 million 
18. Loss in selling Augusta RM 510 million 
19. Worth of APs given out in a year RM1.8 billion 
20. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts) RM4.1 billion 
21. PSC Naval dockyard RM6.75 billion 
22. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion losses (RM3.2 billion in 2008) 
23. The Maminco attempt to corner the World Tin Market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million (RM1.6 billion) 
24. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s 
25. Perwaja Steel’s US$800 million (RM2.56 billion) losses 
26. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn Bhd operation to shore up the stock market 
27. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam 
28. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM348 million) Same as No.20? 
29. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007 
30. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra 
was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million. Hiring a Kwai-Lo CEO with a salary of more than RM1 million per annum! 
31. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat Abdul RM404,726 and Abdul Hamid Othman (religious) RM549,675 per annum 
32. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipment which it is unable to give a breakdown. Government paid more than RM6,000 per notebook vs per market price of less than RM3,000 through some new consortiums that was setup just to transact the notebook deal. There was no Maths & Science Content for the teachers and the notebooks are all with the teachers' children now. 
33. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies - Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted to RM910 million. Expanding on No. 2? 
34. Kuching Prison costing RM135 million 
35. Travel around Malaysia and see for yourself how many white elephants like majestic arches, roads paved with fanciful bricks, designer lamp posts, clock towers, Municipal Council buildings that looks more like Istanas, extravagant places of worship, refurbishment of residences of VIPs, abandoned or under-utilised government sports complexes and buildings, etc! Combined they could easily amount to the hundreds of billions of ringgits! 
36. In Time Asia magazine issue on March 15 2004, South East Asian economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore Daniel Lian, figures “that the country may have lost as much as U$$100 billion (RM320 billion) since the early 1980s to corruption.” Mind you, this is only corruption and it does not include wastages! 
37. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge" 
38. RM1.3 billion has been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the Malaysia-Singapore Scenic Bridge 
39. RM100 million on renovation of Parliament building which leaks 
40. National Astronaut (actually tourist) Programme – RM40 million 
41. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million 
42. Eye of Malaysia - RM30 million and another RM5.7 million of free tickets 
43. RM2.4 million on indelible ink 
44. Samy Vellu announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone 
45. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family. 
46. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion. At a time when MAS is incurring losses every year, RM1.55 million used to buy three paintings to decorate its Chairman’s (Munir) office. Expanding on No.11 
47. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion. 
48. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion. 
49. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million. 
50. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million 
51. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million 
52. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million 
53. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM3.5 Million 
54. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Malaysia under the guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and ministers worth billions of ringgit. 
55. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits. 
56. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering RM30 billion in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were reaping huge profits. In addition, there were much wastages and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of the Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the amount. 
57. RM5,700 for a car jack worth only RM50 
58. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes 
59 A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought for RM30,000 
60. A thumb drive that cost RM90 was bought for RM480 
61. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for RM13,500 
62. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for RM143 
63. Expenses for 1Malaysia campaign paid to APCO? 
64. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP 
65. US$24 million Diamond Ring for Ro$mah - Cancellation of Order - how much compensation ? 
66. CowGate . . . RM250 Million 
67. Monsoon Cup . . . RM800 million per year 
68. Illicit Fund Transfers out of Malaysia ( 2000 - 2009) : RM 1,077,000,000,000! 
69. Tajudin-Danaharta settlement to cover up for Dr M and Daim 
70. Billions of ringgit toll concessions that disadvantage the government and taxpayers”.....
Tranungkite Online v11: Forums/Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:45 pm


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