Selasa, 2 Julai 2013
Apa kriteria Abdul Azeez dilantik CEO TH?

Today's news
Updated 30/6: Malaysian Insider thinks "Najib's new brain trust - Idris Jala, Omar Mustapha Ong et al - draws ire of the Mahathirists". Hehe. Maybe it is so, maybe not. Mostly, Dr Mahathir is duly informed of the appointments. If he's unhappy with a certain appointment, the so-called Mahathirists will be very unhappy. But sometimes some of the so-called Mahathirists are unhappy even when the Tun is happy with a certain appointment. That's what makes these Mahathirists so unpredictable, sometimes. I should know ...
Updated, 29/6: Bujai adds some spice to Azeez Rahim's appointment (which takes effect July 1 2013) with his latest posting on Gang Mamak (no relations to the notorious Mamak Gang, the gangsters, rapists and criminals from the 90s).

Azeez "Gaza"
Azeez Rahim. Azeez with a doule E, his name is being bandied about as the next Chairman of Tabung Haji, the billion-ringgit co-op formed by the government to send Malaysian Muslims to Mekah for their haj. If it's true, it would be an amazing feat for the 46-year old who won back Baling for Najib Razak in the recent general election.
Azeez has come a long way from his Rempit era of the Pak Lah's bygones. Due to some sleek rebranding exercises, some people have taken to calling him Azeez Gaza these days, not Azeez Rempit or Azeez Putra or Azeez Baling. Not easy to organize all those humanitarian missions to Gaza and Somalia and all those jin-bertendang boondocks of the world.
But question is, will he have what it takes to re-organize Tabung Haji? Will he, for instance, replace long-time CEO Ismee Ismail? Or will it be, you know, business as usual? rocky's bru
Seingat admin MRM, Abdul Azeez memang seorang yg kuat bekerja dan pro aktif dalam UMNO.
Tiada komplen kerana kenang kebaikan beliau secara peribadi terharu.
Tahniah Azeez semoga dividen TH bertambah!
Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim sah Bernama dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Tabung Haji dan berkuatkuasa hari ini. Dia menggantikan Tan Sri Abi Musa Asaari Mohamed Nor yang telah berkhidmat sejak Ogos 2007.
Kalaulah Tabung Haji tak tentu hala selepas ini, hanya perlu salahkan Najib.
Tersebar di blog, baca ruangan komen di blog Rocky’s bru, Azeez hanya memiliki SPM? Bagaimana yang hanya memiliki SPM boleh menjadi Pengerusi Tabung Haji? Kalau salah, Azeez boleh sebutkan sendiri kelayakan akademik yang beliau miliki.
Lagi perkara menarik, berapakah gaji Pengerusi Tabung Haji yang mengurus berbillion duit umat Islam Malaysia. Kalau sebelum ini Mahfuz Omar mendedahkan dan mempersoalkan bagaimana Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) Tabung Haji, Datuk Ismee Ismail, yang berstatus kontrak, boleh memperolehi gaji sebesar RM85,000 sebulan. Tentulah gaji Azeez lebih besar dengan hanya kelayakan sebagai pembodek Najib. Insyaallah…rakyat semakin menyampah!!
Azez juga Pengerusi anak syarikat Tabung Haji iaitu TH Real Estate LLC dan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Theta Edge Berhad yang juga anak syarikat Tabung Haji, yang tentu ada habuannya. Baca juga salah satu komen di bawah dari blog Rocky bru:
Azeez is also Chairman of Tabung Haji’s subsidiary, TH Real Estate (based in Saudi Arabia). TH Real Estate is basically a ZERO revenue company but Tabung Haji has been very generous. Not only the contract of THRE’s CEO was extended, he also got maximum pay raise – up from RM30k to RM70k currently and soon will explode to RM100k per month (his contract will expire end of the year). With total staff of only 5 people (1 CEO, 2 Malaysians and 2 Saudis), TH RE’s yearly cost for salary is already in excess of RM2 million!!!!! So Najib’s decision to appoint Azeez as Chairman of Tabung Haji is due to THRE’s sterling performance? No?
Najib menggenapkan transformasi yang ingin dilakukannya. Ghani Othman (Lim Kang Hoo)/Sime Darby, Ng Yen Yen (and family)/Tourism Malaysia, Rafidah Aziz/Air Asia, Ali Rustam/LADA, and Now Azeez Rahim (Ismee/Jasmi/Azizan/Sheikh Akmal)/Tabung Haji.
Tuan-puan tunggulah 5.5% dividen setahun!!
Kelab Putera 1Malaysia Presiden Abdul Azeez dan Azeez Rahim Putera UMNO.
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